When reporting a bug, please try to adhere to the following directions. That will make my life easier when debugging. First make sure if it is really a bug and not a problem of wrong file permissions or broken configuration or even a feature ;-)
Then always tell me what version of tpad you are using. Use the Help/About menu option to discover that. If you are not using the latest version, before submitting a bug report you should have a look at the last ChangeLog. Of course if the bug you have found has already been fixed in the latest stable version, you just need to upgrade, not to bother me :-)
I'm trying to keep every new tpad release as stable and fully tested as possible, while also adding new useful features, so you are strongly encouraged to use the last stable version and report to me any bug you find. Nothing is perfect, but software certainly isn't and every new version can introduce new bugs or even resume old ones!
When reporting a new bug, including some information about your system may prove useful. The simplest way to find out these on Unix is to run the 'uname -a' command and including its output verbatim.
Then tell me how you installed tpad (if from a package or using the portable source). In case you used a package report the full package name and, if you remember, where you downloaded it.
Also a step-by-step description of how to reproduce the error would be very useful. I only understand English and Italian (you choose).
Last but not least, include the full error message you get by the Tcl/Tk interpreter. This is displayed in a window named "Application Error". Copy and paste the entire content of the text area, or better use the button "Save To Log" to save the error message to a text file you can then attach or include into your mail.
Mail all this stuff (you can find my email address using the Help/About menu option) and then wait for a reply from me. Thank you for your patience! Your efforts can be very useful to make tpad better.
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